Category Archives: Learning

Help Kids Discover That Chores Can Be Fun

Fun time - tidying up

Do you remember back when you were a child. Would you say you enjoyed doing your chores? Probably not. And if you did, it was because your parents made them fun?. You essentially anticipated cleaning up your room, storing your toys and assisting with the laundry. Here are some steps to make chores fun for your youngsters, and it won’t feel similar to pulling teeth the next time you need to tidy up in your home.
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Clay and Play-Doh Can Help in Your Child’s Development

Clay and Play-Doh

Clay and Play-Doh

Little ones really like clay and Play-Doh. Most people will have even played with these messy and versatile toys as a kid. Yet when we become a parent we are always look out for ways to boost own child’s development. So wouldn’t it be wonderful to discover that every time our kids are shaping, pulling and manipulating Play-Doh or clay they are gaining in many more ways than just simply having fun? Heres a newsflash, that is precisely what is happening. Check out these wonderful benefits you child receives every time they pops out the Play-Doh.
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Do Toy Vehicles Help a the Development of a Child?

Toy Car In your hands

Image from Free Images

Do children playing with toy vehicles bring back memories of your own childhood?. So in helping them play with toy vehicles you are also helping your kids grow and develop important life skills. In later life, they will just remember the good times the toy vehicles gave, much like the way you are recalling your own childhood. Here are some of the benefits playing with toy vehicles provide in the development of your your child as a youngster.

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Robot Kits Can Benefit Your Child’s Development

Robot Kits for Your Child

Image from Wikimedia Commons

When I say robots for many people visions of science fiction movies from the 50s and 60s might spring to mind. However in the 1970s and 80s robot kits for children grew to become very popular. Skip ahead to today more than 30 years later and you can now purchase inexpensive robot building kits online which benefit your child in so many different developmental areas. Let’s look at how even the most simple and inexpensive robot kits help increase your child’s development and build their self-esteem.

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How Arts and Crafts Can Benefit Your Child’s Development

the activity of making such objects

Arts and Crafts

Merriam-Webster defines arts and crafts as “objects that are meant to be both useful and beautiful; the activity of making such objects.” That is definitely a grand sounding mouthful, but exactly how can arts and crafts help your child’s development? Precisely how can this European and American late 19th and early 20th century design movement help your child now and later in life? Why don’t we check it out.
Fine motor skills are honed and perfected
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How to avoid jealousy, and competition between brothers and sisters


Image from Pixabay via rmt

Once you have more than two children sibling rivalries are typical. Problems often get started right after the birth of your second child. Sibling rivalry usually continues throughout childhood and can be very frustrating and stressful to parents. This is due to personality clashes and individual traits a lot of the time, but sometimes they exist because you as a parent fostered an environment which promoted them. Follow the 5 tips below to avoid sibling rivalry in your household, and you will have a much more peaceful, positive and loving family.

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