Five Tips for Keeping Kids Occupied on Flights



In between the fussing of your tired child, the playfulness of any lively toddler, and then the crying of a frightened little flier, traveling by air with children is usually an absolute major problem. A lot of parents have discovered this this the painfully costly way. But thankfully for many parents, getting their toddlers on their initial plane ride doesn’t have to be a distressing experience. We have found some tips regarding how to gain a peaceful flight.

1. Pack a Sketch Book 

Kids aged 2 and up love drawing or simply splashing a blank paper with a mix of colors. So pack a travel-sized sketchbook or coloring book along with crayons and surprise your kid with them once inside the plane. 

2. Get Sticking 

Stickers are another great distraction that will keep your child entertained for a while. Just give your kid a handful of stickers and ask him/her to decorate your hand purse, an empty bottle, a scrapbook, or better yet, an actual sticker book.

3. Buy an iPad Or Tablet 

Nowadays, kids and technology are inseparable. So, one sure way of getting yourself some peace of mind during flights is to invest in either an iPad or Tablet computer. Download or copy videos, cartoon, movies, apps, and fun kid games onto the gadget before leaving for the airport. Go for a gadget with plenty of storage space, as this will while away a huge chunk of the flight thus allowing you some downtime. 

4. Implement a Reward System 

Pack small toys and favorite snacks in your hand luggage and present them to your child as a reward for good behavior. Dole out the presents every half hour with the reminder that more are available if the good behavior persists.

5. Make Take-Off and Landing Feeding Times

If you’re travelling with a baby, carry a bottle of milk with you and feed your child during take-off and land times. The milk bottle will provide you with the distraction you need to snap the safety belt into place without any fuss. As an added bonus, the sucking motion will prevent your kid’s ears from popping as well as alleviate excess pressure buildup in the ears. 

These are just some of the many tricks you can use to keep kids occupied during flights. Since you know your child best, plan in advance by carrying favorite toys, foods, and pass-time objects that he/she is sure to enjoy. Also, make sure to keep your child comfortable throughout the plane ride, and prepare yourself for issues such as airsickness and upset tummies by carrying medicine and remedy packs in advance.