Let Your Kids Play With Toy Versions of Real Life Tools and Items – Here’s Why

toy drill

Image from Find Icons

Children have amazing imaginations, and playtime is usually incredible fun irrespective of the toys involved. Nonetheless, there exists a strong argument for toy editions of true to life tools and items to be included in a child’s regular play. Contemporary school curriculums are very clear that early education is most effectively taught through play – it’s how many schools now approach teaching, and with valid reasons. Play is truly one of, if not the strongest stimulus that encourages learning.

By using toy versions of real life tools and items like toy phones, screwdrivers, lawnmowers and brooms, children are prompted to develop their vocabulary. Young children are inquisitive, and by playing with these items they are learning new words and new actions. This has the added benefit of teaching concepts, such as cause and effect. When a child plays with a dustpan and brush, they learn not only the actions of sweeping up, but the causes that lead to sweeping up. As a result, they can feel empowered by helping Mom and Dad when they make a mess.

This imitation of parents’ actions is an important aspect of child learning to remember. Children are constantly watching us and learning from our actions. Imitating parents using toy versions of everyday items helps to teach them about responsibility while simultaneously allowing them to feel included. In particular, it is important to pay attention to how they play with tools and items, taking care to praise or thank them when they play “correctly”.

While playing with toy tools and everyday items does help children to develop their gross and fine motor skills, the same can be said about many other toys. However, one distinct benefit that tools and everyday items have is that they are completely gender neutral. Playing with gender neutral toys is a vital aspect of your child’s development, and toy tools and everyday items are ideal in this respect. That is not to say that all toys should be gender neutral, but incorporating some gender neutral play is important.

Finally, playing with toy tools and everyday items can be a brilliant way of overcoming barriers to collective play with other children. Often, children can struggle to play together with toys, as they have different ideas as to how to play with a toy. This is most apparent when there is a language barrier. Toy versions of real life items are of particular help in this situation, as no matter what language a child speaks, they can play with another child if the purpose of the toy is jointly understood. In this way, toy tools and everyday items can break down barriers to interaction and encourage group play amongst children.